10/23/2015: Here
is an article from Helsingin Sanomat
that Harry just translated, an
interesting piece about the attempts
of a young woman pastor who is
trying to modernize her Conservative
Laestadian religion which is a very
fundamentalist branch of the Finnish
Lutheran Church. Click on: “Burst Open the
Bubble of Shame”
Harry has completed the sixth
installment of his memoirs. Click HERE.
Harry has just eompleted the fifth
chapter of his memoirs. You can go
directly to it by clicking here. Or,
you may go to the beginning. I have
re-formatted to two columns. It
reads more easily, and has a better
look. Harry’s
10/31/2013: This
just in! Here’s a photo of Harry with
6/17/2013: Harry
found his father, Antii’s thoughts
on the existence of a god, written
when he was 23 in 1912 (& Harry
was just a gleam in his Mama’s
lovely eyes. Read AJATUKSIANI,
and Harry’s English translation.
Here’s a new cartoon from

Fingerpori, a cartoon strip
appearing in the Finnish newspaper
Helsigin Sanomat. The playground
atterndant points to a sign
reading (in English): “Do not let
your dog do its duty in this yard
area.” The man on right responds:
“No problem, this is a mountain
wolf.” —h
About 4 years ago Harry
returned from FinnFest in Minnesota
having delivered "Free Thought and
Secularism in the Finnish Diaspora",
one of the best talks he feels he’s
ever given. There is a link at the
top, in the navigation bar, but you
can access it HERE.
* I received a slew of scanned
documents from Harry, various notes
to writings and lectures. As of now
they are just a collection of
papers, and will be better organized
in the future. Meanwhile, those
wishing to read them may click
on: Harry’s
Harry appeared as “Marx in
Soho” (official website for the
play: www.marxinsoho.com/)
on Saturday, March 24. He was
terrific! There is a chance he will
reprise his role in the City. Stay
3/4/2012: Here’s
a photo Harry took of the statue of
Karl Marx, with grafitti, in East

took this photo on May 8,
1991 at the Marx/Engels
Plaza in East Berlin,
discovered when walking
along Unter den Linden,
two years after the Berlin
Wall fell. Note some
wilted flowers at the base
probably placed there on
May Day, only a week
before to honor Marx and
Engels. The grafitti at
the base reads in English,
"We Are Innocent". This
will go well with the
Stranius blog and on the
purpose of Marx returning
to life in the play Marx
In Soho – "to clear my
name!" Harry

“These are dirty dishes!”
3/26/2012: Harry
offers his translation of “When
the Soviet Union Collapsed” By
Finnish blogger Pentti Stranius.
Postings appear all too few and far
between, but here’s one you did not
want to miss. Harry did a
dramatic reading of Howard Zinn’s “Marx
in Soho” Saturday, March 24, 2:00
pm om Berkeley. He may reprise
the role, so stay tuned for new
developments. (You may click on
flier below to view full size:

Two Finns in a bar ...
I won't be home until morning. My
flight has been cancelled.”

“My love, the
Metro station here is way late ...”
“Repair work on the Kulosaari Metro
has been delayed.”
Harry writes:
“The cartoon of this conversation as
translated by me is attached from
the online Helsingin Sanomat. The
cartoonist is Karlsson.”
United Finnish Kaleva Brothers
and Sisters Berkeley Lodge No. 21
Invites You to: An Afternoon
of Finnish-American Poetry.
Sunday, October 24, 2:00
pm. For details in PDF, click
on: Poetry Reading.
— Harry writes, “Hey Daniel:
I wrote a little item on a Finnish
anti-war song "Veli, Sisko",
(Brother, sister) including its
history briefly and its lyrics
written by Elsa Rautee in 1936,
plus a 2006 English translation by
Tuomas Kaikkonen. Reijo Frank
popularized it around 1969-70.” Check
out: Veli
— Harry writes: Production
has begun on a feature film, “Big
Finn Hall” in Thunder Bay, Ont.,
about Finnish Canadian immigrant
radicals in the early 20th
century, directed by Kelly
Saxberg, a descendent of these
immigrants. Two Finnish
professional film actors have been
brought in to play the leads. The
film will be based on actual
historical events.
the centennial of the Big Finn
Hall was held, which still exists
and includes a cooperative
restaurant called “Hoito" .
Finnish-Canadian members of the
Industrial Workers of the World
(IWW, Wobblies) owned Big Finn
Hall for many decades.
are for a public showing of the
film in the fall of 2011. See the
online Helsingin Sanomat
for a Finnish language story about
the this film project.
Hey, Harry’s in
a cartoon!

those who don't know
1. The
balloon in the upper-right
corner reads: “Maximum
retirement age to 70 years.”
2. Harry (in the foreground
with the walker) asks: “Have
you lived long in this old
age home?”
3. The woman with the walker
responds: “No, I'm working
Here’s a very
fine poem by Heidi Komulainen – Utopias,
Part IX
Abe Lincoln got
it right:
Harry writes,
“Here’s a picture of me
at a Golden Gate Racewalkers holiday
party yesterday in Oakland, CA.
Photo by host Mort Landsberg”
from Harry’s Poetry Corner: “Name In Vain”
Check it out.
been back to the aulde country.
Check out this photo: Harry @
Suomenlinnaon. Cheers!
poetry corner. (Check
out his recently-penned: What’s Immoral
– (An alphabetized laundry list
aspiring to become a poem).
Sadly, Utah Phillips has taken
the High Rail. Read Harry's Obit.
'Twas a wonderful send-off was
given him at the Ashkenaz August
1st. Harry was there, and
spoke, and was much music &
merriment. His music and
legacy live on.
